What can be done to prevent nails from turning down?
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Curving or turning down of fingernails is usually caused by physical stress, wear and tear, chronic nail biting, thyroid diseases, and nutritional deficiency. Iron, proteins, biotin, calcium, vitamin D, and Vitamin B are essential nutrients for the strength and growth of nails, so a lack of these nutrients can cause nails to turn down. Work that includes chronic pressure on the nails is the other cause of turning down nails. Thyroid disorders also cause brittle nails. This can be prevented by taking nutritional supplements, treating the underlying disease, avoiding chemical exposure to nails, maintaining nail hygiene, preventing nails from growing too long, and applying nail lacquer to avoid physical trauma.
Curving or turning down of fingernails is usually caused by physical stress, wear and tear, chronic nail biting, thyroid diseases, and nutritional deficiency. Iron, proteins, biotin, calcium, vitamin D, and Vitamin B are essential nutrients for the strength and growth of nails, so a lack of these nutrients can cause nails to turn down. Work that includes chronic pressure on the nails is the other cause of turning down nails. Thyroid disorders also cause brittle nails. This can be prevented by taking nutritional supplements, treating the underlying disease, avoiding chemical exposure to nails, maintaining nail hygiene, preventing nails from growing too long, and applying nail lacquer to avoid physical trauma.