How To buff your nail at home?
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Make sure your nails are dry and clean – wet nails can break or chip easily
Use a nail polish remover to remove any traces of nail paint
Trim your nails to a desired length
File your nails in a shape that you want – round, square or whatever suits you.
Get a nail buffer – this can either be a sanding block or a nail buffer and will have different textures on the sides.
Using the roughest side of the buffer, buff your nails gently, moving the buffer from side-to-side.
Try and remove the roughness from your nails first.
Take a soft cotton cloth to wipe off the extracts
Now take the texture that’s a little less rough and repeat the steps in a gentle, side-to-side motion.
Take the smoothest part of the buffer and buff your nails until they look shiny – as if you’ve applied a clear coat.
Wipe off your nails with the cotton cloth
Make sure your nails are dry and clean – wet nails can break or chip easily
Use a nail polish remover to remove any traces of nail paint
Trim your nails to a desired length
File your nails in a shape that you want – round, square or whatever suits you.
Get a nail buffer – this can either be a sanding block or a nail buffer and will have different textures on the sides.
Using the roughest side of the buffer, buff your nails gently, moving the buffer from side-to-side.
Try and remove the roughness from your nails first.
Take a soft cotton cloth to wipe off the extracts
Now take the texture that’s a little less rough and repeat the steps in a gentle, side-to-side motion.
Take the smoothest part of the buffer and buff your nails until they look shiny – as if you’ve applied a clear coat.
Wipe off your nails with the cotton cloth